Use a Number input node to prompt your end user to enter a numeric response.
You can configure the type of number you want, whether it is a whole number or decimal numeral. Additionally, you can choose to display the number with or without thousands separators. Furthermore, you have the option to set a range for numeric inputs.
Design options
- Toggle on Allow decimals (1) to enable end users to input decimal numerals, e.g., 120.75, in addition to whole numbers.
- Determine the Custom number format (2) of your numeric response. You can choose if and how thousands are separated, e.g., regional default, comma, period, or no separation.
- Restrict input (3) to only allow a range of numeric inputs. All numbers outside this range are not allowed and will be highlighted in red to the end user. As an example, end users can only type a number between 1 and 10.
General input node options
- You can enter and format text, as well as insert images, files, videos, and more in the CONTENT field (A).
- Add labels (B) to enable end users with accessibility needs, e.g., people with visual impairment, to navigate the wizard confidently with screen readers.
- Make an answer optional via Optional input (C) to allow the end user to skip and not choose an answer.
- Preselect an answer or provide a default answer by choosing a Default value (D).
- To repeat the question multiple times and collect answers in a collection, enable Allow multiple responses (E).
- You also can display a document at the right hand side of your node, using Document View (F).