Use a Text input node to prompt your end user to enter text. You have the flexibility to configure the type of text that you want: it can be a single-line response, like a name, a multi-line response, like a comment, or a fixed format, like a flight number.
Design options
- Allow linebreaks (3) to turn the input field from a single-line field to a multi-line field and permit your end users to enter text that spans across several lines.
- Set a Placeholder (1) to provide a grey description text that vanishes as soon as the end user begins typing.
- Set a Character limit (2) to limit the number of characters that an end user can enter. The remaining number of characters is displayed as a hint.
- Enable Custom validation with regular expression (4) to apply individual restrictions to the text input. Use regular expression to define the pattern of acceptable input (To learn more about using regular expressions, read a beginner’s guide here).
Note that you can either enable custom validation or allow linebreaks, but not both at the same time.Describe to your end user in plain words which input format is expected.
General input node options
- You can enter and format text, as well as insert images, files, videos, and more in the CONTENT field (A).
- Add labels (B) to enable end users with accessibility needs, e.g., people with visual impairment, to navigate the wizard confidently with screen readers.
- Make an answer optional via Optional input (C) to allow the end user to skip and not choose an answer.
- Preselect an answer or provide a default answer by choosing a Default value (D).
- To repeat the question multiple times and collect answers in a collection, enable Allow multiple responses (E).
- You also can display a document at the right hand side of your node, using Document View (F).