BRYTER employs a role-based system to control access to its platform features. This article outlines the different roles, how they are assigned, and the permissions associated with each role.
Roles in BRYTER
BRYTER's role hierarchy spans three levels of permissions: Admin, author, and end user. Each role offers escalating degrees of access and control.
Role assignment methods
Depending on your setup, roles are assigned to user accounts through different methods:
- Without Single Sign-on (SSO): For setups where SSO is not enabled, you can create new accounts directly within the Admin Console. During this process you will assign specific roles to each user account.
With SSO and role mapping: If your setup includes both SSO and role mapping, roles are managed in your identity provider interface.
In this case, if no other role is specified, users are assigned the end user role by default.
- SSO only (No role mapping): When SSO is enabled but role mapping is not, new accounts are automatically assigned to the end user role. You can reassign roles within the Admin Console.
Note that a combination of these methods may apply if you combine different authentication methods for different audiences.
Permissions for end user accounts
End users can access applications built by authors. Note that authors can restrict end user access to applications and their components.
Permissions for author accounts
The author role encompasses all the permissions of the end user role. Moreover, authors are responsible for building applications, which is why they have the following additional permissions:
- building and delivering applications and their components,
- viewing module statistics,
- configuring end user access rights,
- and other actions documented within the Build and Deliver category of our Help Center.
Permissions for administrator accounts
The admin role encompasses all the permissions of the author role and extends to the control of all BRYTER settings for the organization, such as:
- viewing statistics for the entire organization,
- setting up groups for access management,
- creating and managing themes, default settings, environments, and integrations, and
- performing other actions documented within the Manage category of our Help Center.