When working with number variables, you have the option to choose a custom format that specifies how the thousands separator and the decimal point should be displayed. This custom format can be selected for Number input, Number value, and Calculate action nodes.
Configure thousands and decimal separators in number variables
By default, the number format aligns with the language in which the module is displayed to the end user. However, you have the option to enforce a custom format if you prefer a different representation. To do so, enable Custom number format in the node options. Then, choose from one of the available options below:
- Comma: This format uses a comma [ , ] as the thousand separator and a period [ . ] as the decimal point.
- Period: This format employs a period [ . ] as the thousand separator and a comma [ , ] as the decimal point.
- None: In this format, a thousand separator is not displayed, and you can select the decimal point format.
- Region default: This setting maintains the default behavior, where the number format follows the language used in the module presentation to the end user. It is equivalent to disabling Custom number format.
Keep in mind that some numerical values may be better suited as text string values, such as postal codes or phone numbers. For such cases, consider using Text input or Text Block value nodes and combine them with regular expressions if necessary.
In Number input nodes, make sure to toggle on Allow decimals if you want to permit decimal numbers with a decimal point.