You can define your own custom format for date variables, if the pre-defined options for date formats do not meet your requirements. This refers to Date input, Date value, Caculate Dates action and Calculate Days Between Dates action nodes.
In a node containing a date variable, click on the DATE FORMAT or OUTPUT DATE FORMAT selection field and select Custom format. Type your date format using the parameters below. When defining your format, a preview of the defined custom date is displayed next to DEFINE CUSTOM DATE FORMAT.
Please note that changing the language and region settings of your module will also affect the custom date formats.
Parameters to define date formats
The following table provides an overview of the parameters you can type in to define your custom date format.
Input | Example | Description |
D | 1, 2, ... 31 | Day of month |
DD | 01, 02, ... 31 | Day of month |
Do | 1st, 2nd, ... 31st | Day of month with ordinal |
d | 0, 1, … 6 |
Day of the week as a numerical value from 0 to 6. Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, and so on. |
dd | Mo, Tu, ... Su | Day of the week name (according to the region and language setting in your module) |
ddd | Mon, Tue, ... Sun | Day name (according to the region and language setting in your module) |
dddd | Monday, Tuesday, ... Sunday | Day name (according to the region and language setting in your module) |
M | 1, 2, ... 12 | Month displayed with 1 or 2 digits |
MM | 01, 02, ... 12 | Month displayed with 2 digits and leading 0 |
MMM | Jan, Feb, ... Dec | Month name (according to the region and language setting in your module) |
MMMM | January, February ... December | Month name (according to the region and language setting in your module) |
YY | 14 | Year displayed with 2 digits |
YYYY | 2014 | Year displayed with 4 digits |
ZZ | +12:00 | Offset from UTC as +-HHmm |