Enable other members of your organization to build and modify an application by adding them as collaborators. They will get authoring access to all modules, databases, data views, and pages within the application.
You can add individual authors as collaborators, or you can add whole groups of authors.
To configure authoring access, go to the application and select Collaborators in the sidebar menu.
There, you can add individual authors as collaborators or entire user groups.
Add and delete authors as collaborators
To add an author as a collaborator to your application, enter their email address or name in the search field. Once you have entered a valid email address or selected an author from the drop-down list, the Add author button will activate. Click Add author. The new collaborator will appear in the Authors list.
To remove an author as a collaborator, click the trash icon next to their name and email address. Confirm your action by clicking the red Revoke access button. The collaborator will be removed from the Authors list and will no longer be able to edit the application.
Add and delete groups as collaborators
You can add multiple collaborators at once by adding user groups as collaborators. All members of a group will receive access to all modules, databases, and data views within the application.
To add one or more groups as collaborators, click Add groups, then select the user groups you want to give authoring access to from the list of available groups. Confirm your selection by clicking the blue Add button. A new table will display, showing the group name and its members.
To delete a group as a collaborator, click on the trash icon located next to the group name and members. Confirm your action by clicking the red Revoke Access button. Once done, the collaborator will be removed from the Groups list, and the group members will no longer be able to edit the application.