The application is the foundational entity in the BRYTER platform. An application serves as the boundary for your project: It can contain modules, databases, data views, and pages. These components play together within an application to make one specific use case possible.
Work with applications
- In an application, you can add other authors as collaborators to build the application together with them.
- To make applications available to end users, you publish your application. You can also configure who has end user access to modules, data views, pages or the application itself.
- To ensure correct branding of the application towards your end users, theme it!
Create and configure an application
- Click New application on the screen that appears immediately after login.
- Choose the type of application you want to create. You can:
- Create an empty application from scratch by typing a name.
- Start with a blueprint, which offers a generic structure for certain application types, while remaining use case agnostic.
- Explore example applications, which are pre-built use cases that you can either adopt or use as inspiration.
- Examine a proposed solution for exercises in the BRYTER Learning Program.
- Click Create.
Return to the application list by clicking Applications or the BRYTER logo in the top left corner.
Change display name
You can change the name that is displayed to end users when they open the application. To do so, change the application name in the white space at the top of the Build page.
Provide an application summary
On the Build page, you can provide an application summary and ensure collaborators who join you in building have the necessary context. Hover over the summary at the top the screen and then click Edit summary.
Sort and order components and control sidebar visibility
Application components on the Build page of your application can be sorted sorted by last updated or manually ordered by you. Additionally, you can tick the In sidebar only checkbox to filter out components that are not displayed to end users in the published application's sidebar.
Sorted by last updated
When you opt to sort by last updated, new or recently modified components will automatically display at the top of the list.
In this view, each component is displayed with its internal name (only visible to authors) and a timestamp, providing a quick overview of recent changes.
Ordered manually
Alternatively, you can arrange components manually to suit your preferences. If you are organizing components that are included in the application's sidebar, keep in mind that this order reflects how they will be presented to end users.
In this view, component names are presented as they appear to end users in the published application, with the internal names displayed below in a lighter gray font.
In sidebar only checkbox
To focus solely on components visible in the sidebar, tick the In sidebar only checkbox. This action filters out components that are not displayed to end users in the published application's sidebar.
Show related components
Through the Show related option in the context menu (accessible via the three dot icon in the Module, data views, and pages or Databases list), you can examine a module's connections to databases, data views, and other modules. This feature reveals the components referenced within the module's Redirect result, Batch Process action, or Read From and Write to a Database action nodes, all conveniently visualized in the Related components modal and separated by incoming and outgoing relations.
Click on any component to switch and see how other components relate to it. Click on the Open icon in the right-hand corner to launch the component's editor.
Similarly, you can view a data view's connections (via configured data view actions) and a database's connections to modules.
Manage modules and data views
In the Modules, data views, and pages list, you can start editing your modules, data views, and pages and you can specify how they are displayed to end users when the application is published:
- To edit them, click on the respective row, for example on the icon next to the name. This also applies to databases in the Databases section below.
- Use the In sidebar status, to control whether or not the module or data view is displayed in the application sidebar of a published application.
- Set the End user access to specify who can access the module, data view or page as an end user.
- Clicking on the bold name of the module or data view allows you to edit the display name as seen by end users in the application sidebar.
- Use the six dot icon on the left side of the list to arrange the order in which the modules and data views are displayed to end users in the application sidebar.
- Use the search field to search for modules, data views, pages, and databases by their name. Typing in the component type (for example: data views) will filter all components of this type (in our example: all data views).
When making changes in the list, do not forget to save them!
Related topics
- Learn about the application’s components (modules, databases, data views, and pages) and use them to solve your use case.
- Rename, duplicate, or delete your application.