A transition connects two nodes. End users pass through the originating node to the destination node via a transition.
When you equip transitions with conditions, the path through the module is determined by which conditions are met when each transition is reached. This is one way, that you can introduce logic into your module.
When you add a new node to a module, BRYTER automatically creates a transition between the consecutive nodes so the end user can reach the new node.
When only one transition starts from an originating node, the transition is an always-transition: end users will always pass through this transition as this is the only path.
Most of the time, several transitions to multiple different nodes start from the same originating node. In this case, you should specify a condition via the Rule Builder to define which path should be taken depending on which conditions are met when the transition is reached.
If one in a group of multiple transitions from a node has no condition, then this transition will be an else-transition: End users will pass through this transition when none of the other transitions’ conditions are fulfilled.
Configuring transitions and conditions in your module
To add a transition leading to a new node, click on the + symbol on a node and select a node type. Along with the new node, a transition is added automatically.
Every node, with the exception of the START node, must have at least one transition leading to it – otherwise it would never be reached by the end user.
To add a transition leading to an existing node, click on the + symbol on a node and select New transition. Then, select the preferred destination node for that transition.
To change the destination of an existing transition, first, select the transition, then use the GO TO picker on the right-hand side to choose the new destination from a dropdown list.
Use the search function to find the preferred destination node quickly. -
To copy a transition, select it, then press Control + C (or on a Mac: Command + C). To paste a copied transition, select the node the pasted transition should start from, then press Control + V (or on a Mac: Command + V). The condition added to the transition will be included in the copying. Alternatively, click on the three-dot icon […] at the transition instead of keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste.
To delete a transition, select the transition and use backspace on your keyboard. Alternatively, select the transition, click on the three-dot icon […], then select Delete from the dropdown list.
Deleting a transition will delete the subsequent node unless (at least) one other transition leads to that node.
To add a condition to a transition, first, select the transition, then click Add condition and specify the condition via the Rule Builder. By default, the condition refers to the variable from the node directly above, but you can change it to any available variable.
To delete a condition from a transition, first, select the transition, then click on the trash can icon next to the condition(s) you want to delete. By deleting all conditions, you can turn a transition back into an else-transition or an always-transition.
Occasionally asked questions
Ideally, you should ensure that for any given set of end user answers, only one transition has a true condition. However, if multiple transitions were to have true conditions, generally, the transition with the most specific conditions would be followed. Specifically, the following rules apply:
- The end user follows the transition with the most AND-statements on the first level. If multiple conditions have an equal number, then
- The end user follows the transition with the fewest OR-statements on the first level. If multiple conditions have an equal number, then
- The end user follows the transition with the most combined AND-statements on the second level. If multiple conditions have an equal number, then
- The end user follows the transition with the fewest combined OR-statements on the second level. If multiple conditions have an equal number, then
- The end user follows the leftmost transition.
This means that in cases with multiple else-statements stemming from one node, the end user will always follow the leftmost transition.
Related topics
- Copy and paste nodes to a different transition in the same module to save time building.