In the Rule Builder, different node and response types can serve as variables when building conditions. Depending on the variable's node type, the list of available operators and values change.
Based on the type of variable, what operators and values are available?
Select the node type to reveal the available operators and values.
Input nodes
For a Single Select, the available operators include: = Is and ≠ Is not. The list of values is based on the answer options you have specified for the Single Select.
For a Multiple Select, the available operators include: ⊃ Contains and ⊅ Contains not. The list of values is based on the answer options you have specified for the Multiple Select.
For a Text input, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, ⊃ Contains and ⊅ Contains not. As well as / / Matches regex and ^// Not matches regex. In the value field, you can freely input a string of text or numbers. You can also leave the text area blank to build a condition based on whether or not an input was provided.
For an Email Address input, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, ⊃ Contains and ⊅ Contains not. In the value field, you can freely input a string of text or numbers. You can also leave the text area blank to build a condition based on whether or not an input was provided.
For a Number input, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, > Greater than, ≥ Greater than or equals, < Less than, and ≤ Less than or equals . In the value field, you can freely input a string of numbers. You can also leave the text area blank to build a condition based on whether or not an input was provided.
For a Date input, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, > Is after, ≥ Is or is after, < Is before, and ≤ Is or is before. In the value field, you can select a specific date or choose an existing value.
While you cannot select the entire Multi-Input to use as a variable, you can select individual sub-inputs. The response type of the selected sub-input determines the list of available operators and values.
Action nodes
For a Calculate action, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, > Greater than, ≥ Greater than or equals, < Less than, and ≤ Less than or equals . In the value field, you can freely input a string of numbers. You can also leave the text area blank to build a condition based on whether or not an input was provided.
For a Calculate Dates action, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, > Is after, ≥ Is or is after, < Is before, and ≤ Is or is before. In the value field, you can select a specific date or choose an existing value.
For a Calculate Days Between Dates action, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, > Is after, ≥ Is or is after, < Is before, and ≤ Is or is before. In the value field, you can select a specific date or choose an existing value.
For a URL Parameter action, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, ⊃ Contains and ⊅ Contains not. As well as / / Matches regex and ^// Not matches regex. In the value field, you can freely input a string of text or numbers. You can also leave the text area blank to build a condition based on whether or not an input was provided.
For a Batch Process action, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, ⊃ Contains and ⊅ Contains not. As well as / / Matches regex and ^// Not matches regex. In the value field, you can freely input a string of text or numbers. You can also leave the text area blank to build a condition based on whether or not an input was provided. In addition, you need to specify if the condition refers to all, any, or none of the item(s) in the collection.
Value nodes
For a Number value, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, > Greater than, ≥ Greater than or equals, < Less than, and ≤ Less than or equals . In the value field, you can freely input a string of numbers. You can also leave the text area blank to build a condition based on whether or not an input was provided.
For a Date value, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, > Is after, ≥ Is or is after, < Is before, and ≤ Is or is before. In the value field, you can select a specific date or choose an existing value.
For a Text Block value, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, ⊃ Contains and ⊅ Contains not. As well as / / Matches regex and ^// Not matches regex. In the value field, you can freely input a string of text or numbers. You can also leave the text area blank to build a condition based on whether or not an input was provided.
For an Email Address value, the available operators include: = Is, ≠ Is not, ⊃ Contains and ⊅ Contains not. In the value field, you can freely input a string of text or numbers. You can also leave the text area blank to build a condition based on whether or not an input was provided.