Use the assign numerical values feature to add number values to answer options in a Single Select input node.
This feature enables you, among other things, to apply simple and more complex risk scorings and even create logical groups.
Assign numeric values to answer options
In a Single Select Input node, click the on three dot icon below the CONTENT field. Select Assign values to options from the dropdown list. For each answer option, a new field Assigned Value will display where you can input a number.
You can also assign values in a Single Select sub-input of a Multi-input node.
Later, you can reference these values in other nodes, such as in Calculate actions to perform calculations, or use them to build conditions.
Since you have assigned a value to the answer option, the Single Select input now contains two variables: Choice and Value. Select Value as your variable when referencing.
Known limitations
- You can only use numbers as underlying values.
- You cannot reference variables in the Assigned Value field.
- Assigned values cannot be used on the right side of conditions.
- Assigned values do not work in combination with data sources.
Related topics
- To implement any kind of scoring, refer to this article, for a simple approach, or this article for a more complex but more flexible approach.
- To create logical groups, refer to this tutorial.