When you publish a module or application, it is important to select the appropriate environment.
- Test environment: This is where you initially publish for internal testing. It allows you to preview and test your module or application to ensure everything is working as expected before it is made available to your target audience.
- Live environment: After successful testing in the Test environment, you can publish your module or application to the Live environment. This is where it becomes accessible to your intended end users.
- Client Environments: If needed, your admin can create additional Live environments. These are useful when you want to make an application available to multiple clients or distinct user groups (multi-client applications). Each client environment has its own unique link and portal for end users to access the published applications.
In case you want to make an application available to multiple clients, your admin can create additional Live environments that you can publish to.
Publishing an application to an environment
- The application will have a unique link associated with that environment.
- Data collected from end users within this environment will be isolated and available only within that environment. This includes module’s end user sessions and database entries (and consequently, a data view).
- The application can be added to the environment’s portal by your admin. This portal serves as a central location where end users can discover and access the applications available to them.
- The theming and data retention configurations set by your admin will automatically apply to your published application in the selected environment.
If you have admin rights, learn how to configure the Test and Live environment, as well as manage client environments to effectively serve different user groups or clients.
Test and Live environments
The Test and Live environments are built-in and available by default. Unless you need to publish an application to multiple clients, these are the only environments you interact with, and end users in your target audience will access their published applications in the Live environment.
The Test and the Live environment are sequential. While you can publish an application (or a module) to Test only; you can only publish to Live after publishing to Test first.
💡 Additionally, you can publish an updated version of a module to Test without publishing to Live immediately. This way, you can test the updates first and publish the latest version to Live once testing is complete.
Client environments
Learn how to use client environments to make one application available to multiple clients.
Occasionally asked questions
No. Data in environments is strictly separated. If you test with your colleagues in a Test environment, the data entered will not interfere with data collected from your target audience in the Live environment later on. All statistics will start fresh in the Live environment, and none of the data written into case databases in the Test environment can be seen in the Live environment.
No, all client environments store their data separately.