When working with secured modules that require end user authentication, you may encounter prompts to grant access to cookies.
This documentation provides guidance on understanding, granting, and reverting cookie access.
❗ This documentation is relevant only if you embed BRYTER modules in other websites via iframe and require end users to be authenticated.
Understanding cookies
BRYTER relies on cookies for end user authentication. When using a secured module, end users must authenticate to access it. Alternatively, if you set your modules to be public, neither authentication nor cookies are necessary.
When embedding your secured BRYTER module on a different website, such as your MS Sharepoint, the cookies used by the BRYTER module for end user authentication are classified as third-party cookies.
Browsers increasingly limit the use of third-party cookies to protect users from tracking by advertising companies. However, scenarios like the authentication cookies in BRYTER are valid use cases for third-party cookies and are necessary to restrict access to secured modules.
Grant access to cookies
When embedding your secured module on a different website and attempting to log in, you will encounter this screen:
After clicking on the Login button, a popup with the BRYTER login form will appear. Ensure popups are allowed for the login screen to display. |
In browsers with enabled third-party cookie tracking protection, you will encounter an additional screen:
Click Grant access to enable BRYTER's access to the cookies necessary for authentication. 💡 If it is your first time encountering this screen, your browser may prompt you with a separate popup (see below) asking permission to access saved information. Ensure you allow access to saved information for authentication to succeed and the module to display. |
Browser-specific cookie access prompts
Expand each section to understand how the prompts for cookie access appear on different browsers.
In Chrome, you will see a message similar to the following one:
Click Allow to grant BRYTER access to the cookies.
In Safari, you will see a message similar to the following one:
Click Allow to grant BRYTER access to the cookies.
For technical reasons, Firefox support will be added later. Generally, Firefox should not block BRYTER cookies, as it does not classify it as a tracker.
If you encounter any issues, you can disable tracking protection for the current site by clicking on the shield icon in the browser bar.
In Edge, you will see a message similar to the following one:
Click Allow to grant BRYTER access to the cookies.
Revert denied access
If you frequently deny or block cookie access, the browser may permanently deny it without prompting you again. In such cases, any secured BRYTER module will not open, and you will encounter the persistent Grant access screen.
However, you can reverse your decision and still grant access. The method to do so depends on the browser.
Denied access reversion across different browsers
Expand each section to learn how to adjust settings and revert denied cookie access in different browsers.
In the Chrome browser bar, you will find two icons that enable you to review and adjust settings for the embedded content, which, in this case, is the BRYTER module.
Next to the URL, you have the general site settings that allow you to enable Embedded content for granting access. You can also choose to Reset permission. Chrome will then prompt you again when you click the Grant access button next time.
A new icon appears on the right side when there is blocked embedded content. Enabling embedded content for bryter.io restores access to cookies.
For more information on changing site permissions, refer to the Google Chrome documentation.
In Safari, you can revert your previous decision by deleting the browser history for the website. Follow these steps:
- Open the browser history via the menu History > Show All History.
- Search for your website embedding the BRYTER module.
- Delete all entries for that website.
- Reload the website.
Safari will prompt you again when you click the Grant access button, asking if you want to allow access.
This section will be updated once Firefox support is available.
In the Edge browser bar, you will find two icons allowing you to review and adjust settings for the embedded content, which is the BRYTER module in this case.
Next to the URL, you have the general site settings, which also includes Embedded content. You can change your decision here to Allow and grant access.
On the right side, a new icon appears when there is blocked embedded content. Enabling the embedded content for bryter.io restores access to cookies.
For more information on temporarily allowing cookies, refer to the Microsoft Edge documentation.
External documentation
For more information, refer to the following external documentation:
Google Chrome: Change site permissions
Safari: Manage cookies and website data in Safari on Mac
Firefox: Enhanced Tracking Protection in Firefox for desktop
Microsoft Edge: Temporarily allow cookies and site data in Microsoft Edge