Integrating DocuSign into your application can streamline the signature process. When users reach the signing process in your BRYTER application, they temporarily leave BRYTER and are redirected to DocuSign to complete the signing.
Once all necessary signatures are obtained, we want to automatically save the signed version of the document to a BRYTER database, ensuring efficient matter management directly and automatically. This can be achieved by leveraging BRYTER Connect within your application.
In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on configuring this logic effectively.
π‘ To implement this solution, you need a Microsoft Power Automate Premium license, the DocuSign integration for BRYTER, and a BRYTER Connect license.
- In your BRYTER database, create a field named Envelope ID. Then, create a BRYTER module and add the DocuSign-send-envelope Integration that sends an envelope to DocuSign. Right below, insert a Write to a Database action and write the Envelope ID to the corresponding field in the database where you save the data for the contract signature process (in our example, DocuSign DB).
π‘ In your use case, you will implement additional logic into this module. In this tutorial however, we have omitted any specific logic and focus on the DocuSign process.
- Then, create a new BRYTER module. Later on, this module will automatically download the documents from DocuSign.
- Click on the START node to add a start parameter. In the Name field, type Envelope ID and in the API parameter type var_id. Later on, this will enable you to hand over the Envelope ID from Microsoft Power Automate and trigger the module automatically.
- Directly below the START node, add a Read From a Database action. Read in the record from the DocuSign DB database that holds the same envelope ID that was handed over via the start parameter. To do so, select the DocuSign DB, then, select Filter records. In the filter condition, configure that the Envelope ID field in the database equals the start parameter Envelope ID.
- Note that filtering records from a database always creates a collection that typically holds multiple items. As the envelope ID is unique, our collection holds only one item. Thus, we need to convert the ID from the collection into a text variable and use the text variable to download the document and save it to the DocuSign DB:
- Create a Perform Collection Operation action and select Return text string Operation. As the value, select the id of the collection you have just created. This will convert the collection with one item into a proper text variable.
- Add a DocuSign-download-document Integration. Reference the Envelope ID start parameter in the Envelope ID field of this action.
- Add a Write to a Database action that writes to the DocuSign DB. Reference the ID variable (created in the Perform Collection Operation action) in the ID field and reference the document in the corresponding field.
- Publish the module with Only accesible via an API Key.
- In Microsoft Power Automate, create an automated cloud flow. Then, search and select the DocuSign Envelope Status Changes built-in function.
- Now, connect your account to DocuSign. Enter your DocuSign account number in the Account field, enter a connection name, and select Completed in the Envelope event field.
- Configure the Power Automate Flow.
- Select Next step, then, search for HTTP and select it.
- Use the following parameters to complete the configuration:
Method: POST
URI: https://{{your-tenant-name}}/api/execution/{{module-id}}/sessions
Tenant Name:, e.g.,
Module ID: It is generated when you publish the module with the option Only accesssible via and API key. Please check the module publishing field to find the module ID.
- Authorization: Bearer <API KEY>
- Content-Type: application/json
{ "startParameters": {
"var_id": "Envelope-ID"
- Please make sure that all modules are published and MS Power Automate Flow is on.
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