This tutorial will guide you on how to calculate and check the deadline of any objections in relation to a notification. Here's how you can do it step by step:
As an example, we will build a module that asks the end user when a notification was received. If the objection deadline has passed, it outputs a result stating an objection is no longer possible.
Calculate the deadline
Use a Date input to collect when the notification was received from the end user. As a nice-to-have, restrict the input to dates today or in the past.
Use a Calculate Dates action to calculate the deadline. Assuming a 180-days objection period, add 180 days to the date of the notification. This gives to you the deadline date.
Set up a Result node to display a message stating that the objection deadline has passed.
Add a condition to the transition leading to the No objection possible Result node. Utilize the Rule Builder to create a condition that checks if the calculated deadline date is earlier than the date of the end userβs interaction. If this condition is met, it means the deadline has indeed passed.
After handling the deadline check, you can add more nodes to your module to perform additional tasks, such as automatically evaluating the likelihood of an objection's success.
Alternatively, you can opt for a different approach: Calculate the number of days between the notification date and the end user's interaction date. Then, check if this duration exceeds 180 days to determine if the objection deadline has passed.