This guide is for DocuSign administrators who want to configure BRYTER integration with DocuSign.
This is a licensed feature which can be enabled
your BRYTER contact person. For further information, please reach out
them or
Additional pricing may apply.
This article provides details on the following steps:
- The DocuSign admin creates a demo application.
- The BRYTER admin passes the vetting process of this demo application by creating an integration configuration and executing 20 successful requests.
- The DocuSign admin elevates the application into the customer's production environment.
- The BRYTER admin changes the integration configuration to use the production environment.
Steps for a DocuSign admin - demo application
- Create a new DocuSign developer account here.
a. This step might not work with Chromium-based browsers (e.g., Chrome, Brave, Edge, Vivaldi, Blink, etc.). If the screen continuously loads after filling in all your details, try Firefox or Safari. - Log into your DocuSign developer account and open the Apps and Keys page.
- Click on the blue Add app and integration key button.
- Name your application in the pop-up (e.g., BRYTER integration) and click on the blue Create App button.
- In the next step, you can see the edit page of your newly created application. Note down and save your Integration Key. You will later need this as your client-id when setting up your BRYTER integration configuration. It should have a similar format to the following:
(See the figure below)
- Click on the grey Generate RSA button. (See the figure below) Note down and save your Private Key from the pop-up which appears. You will later need this as your private-key when setting up your BRYTER integration configuration. It should have a similar format to the following:
-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- - Click on the grey Add URI button and enter (See the figure below).
- Click on the blue Save button on the bottom of the page.
- Now, you need to authorize your application to impersonate your developer account. Use this URL generator to generate your authorization URL. Select Demo environment, provide your previously saved Integration Key, and leave the default value for the Redirect URL (
- Click on the link, then, click on the yellow Allow Access button.
đź’ˇ If you have allowed access previously, then the generated link will redirect you directly to
- Open Users and select your own account by selecting your name.
- Note down and save your User ID. It should have a similar format to the following:
You will later need this as your impersonated_user_guid when setting up your BRYTER integration configuration. - Hand over the following details to the BRYTER admin:
a. client-id
b. private-key
c. impersonated-user-guid
Steps for a BRYTER demo admin – demo application
- Collect the following details from your DocuSign admin obtained in the previous steps:
a. client-id
b. private-key
c. impersonated-user-guid
- Open the Integrations page in the BRYTER Admin Console
đź’ˇ Replace *TENANTNAME* with the name of your organization's tenant. - Select New configuration.
- Name your configuration and add an optional description. Select the DocuSign eSignature as the type, and choose the latest available version. Click Next.
- Set as the authentication-server. Set the client-id, private-key, and impersonated_user_guid parameters, as received in step 1. Configure the maximum number of signers and cc-fields that can be set in the integration. They should serve the possible use cases, however, too big numbers would yield to too many input fields in integration nodes, so keep it reasonably low (e.g., 5-5). Click Create configuration.
- If you did everything correctly, you should see the following pop-up, click the blue Okay, got it! button.
- In the next steps, you will need to execute 20 successful API calls via the newly configured integration.
- Now, head to your applications page: https://*TENANTNAME* and click the blue New application button.
- Name your application and select Create.
- Select New module.
- Build a simple module to test the integration. For example, a module that creates a document, sends it as an envelope, and fetches its status. Make sure to fill the required fields of the actions (mail subject, documents, signer 1 name, and singer 1 email of the Send Envelope Action, as well as the envelope ID input of the Get Envelope Status Action received as an output of the Send Envelope Action). Please ensure that you do not request the same envelope or template twice in a 15 minutes period as this may violate the DocuSign’s polling policy.
- Select Publish, then, click Publish to Test, and confirm by clicking Publish to Test in the pop-up. Click Open link.
- Refresh the page at least 10 times to trigger the application to send 10 envelopes and fetch their statuses (that comes out to 2 DocuSign requests per each execution).
Steps for a DocuSign admin - production application
- Wait 5-10 minutes after the BRYTER admin finished the 20 integration executions.
- Open and check the Go Live Status column of your application. If it states Not enough API calls, then the BRYTER admin did not execute 20 successful API calls consecutively.
- If it states Submit for review, then, click on this link and confirm by selecting Submit for review. The review might take up to 20 minutes.
- Once the review is complete and successful, the status changes to Review Passed.
- Click on the Actions button, then, select the Select Go-Live account option. Click the checkbox in the pop-up to confirm you accept the T&Cs and click Accept.
- Log-in to your organization’s DocuSign with your admin credentials (your admin account in your DocuSign live environment).
- Select the production account where you want to deploy your integration, then, click Select.
- After a few seconds, the app’s Go Live Status changes to App is live. Click on the View in production link under the status.
- Log into your production account.
💡 You can verify that you are in your production account by checking that your URL is – not - Click Actions and select Edit. You will need to create a new private-key for your production environment.
- Click the Generate RSA button. (See Figure 2) Note down and save your Private Key from the pop-up. You will later need this as your new private-key when you change your BRYTER integration configuration. It should have a similar format to the following:
- Click on the grey Add URI button and enter
- In this step, we advise you to create a new user in your organization’s DocuSign account who will be impersonated by the BRYTER integration.
Open the Users page, and click the blue Add User button. Add the user's email address and click Next. As this email address will receive numerous emails from DocuSign avoid using:
a. a personal email address like, or
b. an official company address like or
However, ensure that you are able to receive verification emails here.
In step 2, fill your user's full name (e.g., BRYTER integration user) and Next. You can skip step 3 by clicking Next. In step 4, assign a DS Sender permission profile and click ADD USER. - Select your newly created user in the Users page. Note down and save the User ID. It should have a similar format to the following: 7fec9e48-b922-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002 (See Figure). You will need this later as your impersonated_user_guid when setting up your BRYTER integration configuration.
- Open the email account of this newly created user and select the email sent by DocuSign. Its subject should read Account Activation. Click the Activate button in the email. DocuSign prompts you to set a password. Then, click the Log in button.
- Use this URL generator to generate your authorization URL. Select Production environment, provide your previously saved Integration Key, and leave the default value for the Redirect URL (
- Click on the generated URL. Make sure you are logged in with your newly created user in your organization’s DocuSign account – not with your own admin account. Click Allow Access.
- Hand over the impersonated_user_guid of the newly created user to the BRYTER admin of your organization.
Steps for a BRYTER admin - production application
- Collect the following details from your DocuSign admin obtained in the previous steps:
a. impersonated_user_guid of the production user, and
b. private-key of the production application. - Open the Integrations page in the BRYTER Admin Console:
- Click Edit next to the configuration created for the demo application.
- Replace the authentication-server parameter with the following value: (instead of
- Replace the impersonated_user_guid with the new value.
- Replace the private-key with the new value.
- The client-id remains the same.
- Click the Update button at the bottom.
- If you see the following pop-up, then you have completed the configuration. Test if the relevant functionalities are working in your modules.
If you want to use supplemental documents (attachments), the user must be using the DS Sender permissions profile with the Allow signer attachments option enabled. Usually, it is enabled by default but in some cases it might be restricted within your organization.
- Open the Users and groups / Permission profiles page.
- In the profiles table, next to the permission profile you selected in the previous step, select Actions / View. On the Copy Permission Profile dialog’s User permissions tab, check that the Allow signer attachments option is enabled. This option might not be available in your DocuSign environment.