SharePoint List with Graph
Integration that supports Sharepoint List interaction. Currently, handles List Item actions, including attachments. It covers Create/ Read/ Update/ Delete data actions. It is recommended to see a demo for your use case.
Before you can use the Direct Integration Actions, you will need to grant access to the SharePoint API. This step is done by the SP Admin.
Graph authentication - requires azure-bot setup as explained in MS Documentation here and here and the steps to follow are described in the Admin Guides.
Graph Authentication:
For MS Graph-based authentication for Lists:
Requires a registered Azure application with the following API application
to grant overall access
Please refer to the for more information.
The Azure app can be registered and configured in your Azure Portal under Home > App registrations
The IDs can be found in Home > App registration > Overview
. You will need to copy client-id
and tenant-id
. Go to Client credentials and create a new secret. When a new secret is created, copy the VALUE (not the Secret ID!). This is the client-secret
needed for the configuration. Set up permissions for the App. The application permissions can be set in Home > App registration > API Permissions
The rights can be granted with Grant admin consent for ...
Please refer to the for additional information.
Required Parameters
: Sharepoint site url which includes nested sites and list id. For example
: Sharepoint API client ID for configured resource and tenant -
: Sharepoint API tenant ID for configured resource and tenant
Required Secrets
: Sharepoint API client secret for configured resource and tenant